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  1.  23
    Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity.David H. J. Larmour, Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    In this collection of provocative essays, historians and literary theorists assess the influence of Michel Foucault, particularly his History of Sexuality, on the study of classics. Foucault's famous work presents a bold theory of sexuality for both ancient and modern times, and yet until now it has remained under-explored and insufficiently analyzed. By bringing together the historical knowledge, philological skills, and theoretical perspectives of a wide range of scholars, this collection enables the reader to explore Foucault's model of Greek culture (...)
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    Subjecting Verses: Latin Love Elegy and the Emergence of the Real.Paul Allen Miller - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    The elegy flared into existence, commanded the cultural stage for several decades, then went extinct. This book accounts for the swift rise and sudden decline of a genre whose life span was incredibly brief relative to its impact. Examining every major poet from Catullus to Ovid, Subjecting Verses presents the first comprehensive history of Latin erotic elegy since Georg Luck's. Paul Allen Miller harmoniously weds close readings of the poetry with insights from theoreticians as diverse as Jameson, Foucault, Lacan, and (...)
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    Ethics and Irony.Paul Allen Miller - 2009 - Substance 38 (3):51-71.
  4.  11
    Diotima at the Barricades: French Feminists Read Plato.Paul Allen Miller - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Diotima at the Barricades argues that the debates that emerged from the burgeoning of feminist intellectual life in post-modern France involved complex, structured, and reciprocal exchanges on the interpretation and position of Plato and other ancient texts in the western philosophical and literary tradition. Paul Allen Miller shows how individual works of Anglo-American figures such as Toril Moi, Judith Butler, and Kaja Silverman, as well as movements such as queer theory, are rooted in feminist theoretical debates that began in the (...)
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  5. The Art of Self-Fashioning, or Foucault on Plato and Derrida.Paul Allen Miller - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:54-74.
    This paper examines Foucault's reading of Plato and ancient philosophy as part of his continuing dialogue and debate with Derrida. It contends that this debate not only in part motivates Foucault's turn to antiquity, but also is directly revelatory of the most basic differences between Foucault's and Derrida's conceptions of philosophy.
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    Introduction.Martin Donougho & Paul Allen Miller - 2002 - Intertexts 6 (1):3-7.
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    Introduction.Hafid Gafaïti, Paul Allen Miller & Sharon Diane Nell - 1998 - Intertexts 2 (2):99-103.
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    Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.Barbara K. Gold, Barbara H. Gold, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature Paul Allen Miller, Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines interrelated topics in Medieval and Renaissance Latin literature: the status of women as writers, the status of women as rhetorical figures, and the status of women in society from the fifth to the early seventeenth century.
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    Intertexts: A Statement of Purpose.David H. J. Larmour & Paul Allen Miller - 1997 - Intertexts 1 (1):3-4.
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    Beyond Lacan (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2007 - Symploke 15 (1):394-396.
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    Catullus 16, 31, 93, and 101.Paul Allen Miller - 1997 - Intertexts 1 (2):156-158.
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    Classics: That Dangerous Supplement?Paul Allen Miller - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):269-279.
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    Dreams and Other Fictions: The Representation of Representation in Republic 5 and 6.Paul Allen Miller - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):37-62.
    This article offers a close reading of the passages leading up to the myth of the cave and contends that the Republic frames this famous passage less as the illustration of a transcendental truth than as a problematic and self-referential meditation on the simultaneous necessity and impossibility of distinguishing between being and seeming. It contends that the myth when read in context not only asks us to distinguish between shadows on the wall and things themselves, it also forces us to (...)
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  14.  16
    Disciplining the Lesbian: Diderot’s La Religieuse.Paul Allen Miller - 2001 - Intertexts 5 (2):168.
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    Foucault's seminars on antiquity: learning to speak the truth.Paul Allen Miller - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1980, Michel Foucault's work makes two decisive turns. On the one hand, as announced at the start of his course at the Collège de France for that year, Le Gouvernement des vivants, his topic will be the modalities through which power constitutes itself in relation to truth. On the other hand, the texts on which he will concentrate will no longer be those of the early modern period. Rather, he begins with one by Dio Cassius on the emperor Septimius (...)
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    Floating Uteruses and Phallic Gazes: Hippocratic Medicine in the Encyclopédie.Paul Allen Miller - 1998 - Intertexts 2 (1):46-61.
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  17. Ghosts in the politics of friendship.Paul Allen Miller - 2016 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Dead theory: Derrida, death, and the afterlife of theory. New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Horace, Mercury, and Augustus, or the Poetic Ego of Odes 1-3.Paul Allen Miller - 1991 - American Journal of Philology 112 (3).
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    Introduction.Paul Allen Miller - 2001 - Intertexts 5 (1):3-6.
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    Iphigenias at Aulis: Textual Multiplicity, Radical Philology (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2005 - Symploke 13 (1):344-346.
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    Imitations of Immortality: Du Bellay’s Les Regrets, Petrarch, Horace, and Ovid.Paul Allen Miller - 2013 - Intertexts 17 (1-2):23-51.
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  22. Introduction: Truth, dreams, and psychoanalysis in the late Foucault.Paul Allen Miller - 2024 - In Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):65-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural MarxismPaul Allen Miller (bio)Jameson, Fredric. Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism. Ed. Ian Buchanan. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2007. 296 pp.Fredric Jameson may well be the greatest intellectual produced by the United States in the last half century. It is difficult to think of anyone else who has made as many, as lasting, and as wide-ranging contributions as Jameson. From his (...)
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    Lacan in America (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2003 - Symploke 11 (1):264-266.
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    Lacan le con: Luce Tells Jacques Off.Paul Allen Miller - 2005 - Intertexts 9 (2):139-151.
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    Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 119-122 [Access article in PDF] Mary Depew and Dirk Obbink, eds. Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society. Center for Hellenic Studies Colloquia 4. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. vi + 346 pp. Cloth, $50. The present collection of essays, which originated as a colloquium at the Center for Hellenic Studies, starts, in the words of editor and organizer Dirk Obbink, from (...)
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    Plato’s Apology of Socrates: A Commentary.Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 2010 - Arthur H Clark Co.
    Plato's account of the famous trial of Socrates in 399 b.c., appeals to historians, philosophers, political scientists, and classicists. It is also essential reading for students of ancient Greek. Paul Allen Miller and Charles Platter provide running commentary, glosses of unfamiliar words, introductions that address historical and philosophical issues, and thought-provoking essays on each chapter.
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    Persius, Irony, and Truth.Paul Allen Miller - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):233-258.
    This article argues that Persius' claim to truth is inseparable from the stylistic complexity of his poetry. Irony becomes a method of truth-telling, not simply as a means of demystification but also as a way of pointing beyond the corruption of contemporary language. Part I of the article examines Persius' general discussion of poetic style throughout the corpus in light of Stoic conceptions of truth and the "sayable." Part II focuses on the opening of the Prologue and its relation to (...)
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  29.  25
    Pardon the Interruption.Paul Allen Miller - 2022 - Classical Antiquity 41 (1):51-66.
    The Timaeus is a muthos that attempts to imagine a logos of the cosmos. Like the demiurge, readers are to be mimetic artists, poets, who move constantly between the intelligible essences and their likenesses in the world of appearance, experience, and becoming, occupying a third register that is neither and both. The cosmology of the Timaeus is both a likely story and an allegory of its own failure. It takes place within the nonspace of the khōra, a realm accessible only (...)
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    Recognizing Persius.Paul Allen Miller - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (4):706-709.
    Reckford has produced a very serviceable introduction to a very difficult poet. Written with genuine verve and passion, this personal look at what many view as a crabbed and uncongenial writer is a welcome addition to an all too small English bibliography on Rome's third great satirist, after Lucilius and Horace. Beginning its life as the Martin lectures delivered at Oberlin a decade ago, this generous, often nostalgic look at the work of a young Stoic under the reign of Nero (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Lacan (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2004 - Symploke 12 (1):279-281.
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  32. To dream the impossible dream : Parrhēsia and rhetoric (De Oratore 3).Paul Allen Miller - 2024 - In Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  33. To dream the impossible dream: Parrhēsia and rhetoric (De Oratore 3).Paul Allen Miller - 2024 - In Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Truth-telling in Foucault's “Le gouvernement de soi et des autres” and Persius 1: The Subject, Rhetoric, and Power.Paul Allen Miller - 2006 - Parrhesia 1:27-61.
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    Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis.Paul Allen Miller (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The first full treatment of truth as a core philosophical concept in the late Foucault, this volume examines his work on the ancient world and the early church. Each essay features a deep examination as to how the topics of truth and sexuality intersect with and focus on Foucault's engagement with ancient philosophy and thought. Truth in the Late Foucault offers readings on Plato, Artemidorus, Cicero, Sophocles and the Stoics, and pays close attention to Cassian, Paulinus of Nola, and early (...)
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  36. The problem of the dandy in the aesthetics of existence: Foucault's dialogue with Hadot, Kant, and Baudelaire.Paul Allen Miller - 2024 - In Marta Faustino & Hélder Telo, Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments. Leiden: BRILL.
  37. The Platonic Remainder: Khora and the Corpus Platonicum.Paul Allen Miller - 2010 - In Miriam Leonard, Derrida and antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Repeatable and the Unrepeatable: Žižek and the Future of the Humanities, or Assessing Socrates.Paul Allen Miller - 2009 - Symploke 17 (1-2):7-25.
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    The Trouble with Theory: A Comparatist Manifesto.Paul Allen Miller - 2003 - Symploke 11 (1):8-22.
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    The World of Roman Song: From Ritualized Speech to Social Order (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (4):607-611.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 127.4 (2006) 607-611MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Reviewed byPaul Allen Miller University of South Carolina e-mail: [email protected] Habinek. The World of Roman Song: From Ritualized Speech to Social Order. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. x + 329 pp. Cloth, $52.It has become increasingly evident that the texts we study from ancient Rome are embedded objects, implicated in a rich field of symbolic systems and corporeal (...)
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  41. Why Difference Matters.Paul Allen Miller - 2002 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 95 (4).
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    Ethics and the Inventive Work.Zahi Zalloua, Gaurav Majumdar, Paul Allen Miller, Gerald Bruns, Gabriel Riera, Lynne Huffer, Alan Singer & Steven Miller - 2009 - Substance 38 (3):113-124.
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    THE ROLE OF FOUCAULT - (S.) Boehringer, (D.) Lorenzini (edd.) Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity. Translated by M. Altman and K. Ellerby. Pp. xii + 143. London and New York: Routledge, 2022 (originally published as Foucault, la sexualité, l'Antiquité, 2016). Paper, £34.99, US$44.95 (Cased, £120, US$160). ISBN: 978-1-03-201452-4 (978-1-03-201459-3 hbk). [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):648-651.
  44. F. Citti: Studi Oraziani: Tematica e Intertestualità. Pp. 275. Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 2000. Paper, L. 32,000. ISBN: 88-555-2542-5. [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):401-401.
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    The Ironic Defense of Socrates. Plato’s Apology. By David Leibowitz. [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - 2012 - Ancient Philosophy 32 (2):415-419.
  46. A SHORT VERSION OF HORACE - (L.) Morgan Horace. A Very Short Introduction. Pp. xxii + 122, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Paper, £8.99, US$11.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-284964-9. [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-2.
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    Derrida and Lacan: Another Writing (review). [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):385-387.
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    PATRONAGE IN HORACE P. L. Bowditch: Horace and the Gift Economy of Patronage . Pp. xi + 281. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 2001. Paper, £22.50. ISBN: 0-520-22603-. [REVIEW]Paul Allen Miller - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (02):294-.
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